Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 2

Happy New Year 2025!


Each week the children will have:

  • Spellings (paper copy for a test the following week)
  • Maths activities on this website page
  • Comprehension – this will begin as a paper copy in this folder but may be replaced by a comprehension linked to your child’s reading book. If it is linked to a book, this will be due on the day of the group read.
  • Occasionally we will substitute one of these activities for a subject specific task.

Reading books are to be returned on your child’s group reading day. The children have also been set a group of e-books to access at home.


Homework is to reinforce what has been learned during the week and for parents to see how children are doing. Only certain activities will be marked, so please let us know if there are any problems. Please can the folder be returned on Friday so we can add the next week’s spellings.
