Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Learning Workshop Comprehension

Below is next weeks reading comprehension which you will look at in your afternoon learning workshop. Please read the story and answer the three questions before your workshop. You do not need to submit your answers, just bring them with your to you workshop.

9:00 - 9:20 - Get Ready for the Day

Your morning zoom call with your teachers will start at 9:10am. Use the ten minutes before this to get yourself set up for your English lesson and have a little browse of what you are doing during your day. If you have time, spend time reading your own book to warm up your brain for the day.

9:30 - 10:30 - Maths


11-11:30 - Comprehension

There are three levels, please choose the one most appropriate for you.

11:30 - 12:30 - Work Catch-up

It's been a busy week this week with our zoom learning workshops. We hope you have all enjoyed them as much as we have. Use this hour to finish any work you didn't get time to complete (your mountain scene from topic, free write in English, maths challenges in maths...)


When you're up to date...

At the end of next week we are going to be asking for a book report to be submitted about a book you've read during lockdown. If you are up to date on all your work (and done all your improvements) then you can make a head start on this.


For you maths whizzes, there's also an equivalent fraction challenge to try (but make sure you completed the challenges from yesterday first)

1:30 - 1:45 - SPaG

1:45 - 2:45 - PSHE (Express yourself)

This week is mental health awareness week and this year's focus is on Expressing Yourself.


There is a short PowerPoint to look at and listen too and then some activities to do afterwards. Please submit some pictures of how you like to express yourself, either from today's work or things you've been getting up to over lockdown and we will show some of them in the celebration assembly next week smiley.

2:45 - 3 - Celebration Assembly
