Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Year 1 Hawthorn

Welcome to Year 1 Hawthorn

Some of our class take part in Dance Club with Mrs Taylor. Check out the school clubs part of the website to see a few clips of our dancing!



Class Teacher - Miss Meachin

PPA Cover - Mrs Milburn

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Ghosh

Year 1 Willow Class Teacher - Miss Maddocks

Key Stage 1 Lead - Mrs Ceuppens



Year 1 are reading The Night Pirates by Peter Harris

Talk for Writing

Still image for this video

This term our topic is Pirates and our class text is 'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris. This class text will be used to inspire and aid children's learning. The children will be looking at the structure of fantasy stories; identifying the characters, settings, beginning, middle and end events.


Our focus will be on using punctuation correctly - finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. The children are encouraged to orally say their sentence before beginning to write and then read it back to check that it makes sense. When children are ready they will move on to using connectives and adjectives in their writing.


We are working on letter formation families in handwriting sessions. At this stage it is important that children are holding their pencil correctly and beginning and ending their letters in the correct place.


The children continue to have daily phonics sessions. We follow 'Letters and Sounds', which is a Department for Education systematic six phase phonics programme that has been successfully used in the school for a number of years.

Maths - No Problem!

Maths is taught using ‘Maths - No Problem', a scheme which focuses on number sense, depth and mastery using mathematical principles to problem-solve with lots of concrete resources.

RE Curriculum

We follow The Way, The Truth and The Life. Our current topic is 'Mary, Mother of God'.


This topic is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Mary and her role in God’s sending of his Son, Jesus. It introduces the children to the stories of the Nativity of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel which are told from Mary’s point of view. The topic also gives opportunities for the children to learn about the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas and their respective rituals, signs and symbols.


Year 1 Procedures

High Frequency Words for reading and writing

Letter formation rhymes

Sounds of the English Phonic Code -Synthetic Phonics.wmv

Tami Reis-Frankfort, reading specialist and trainer, demonstrates how to pronounce the sounds of the English Phonic Code, when teaching children to read with Synthetic Phonics.
