Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Year 3 Elm

Welcome to Year 3 Elm 




Dear Parents/Carers


Welcome to Year 3.


Every week, on a Friday, a homework sheet is sent home via parent mail.  You will find this sheet attached at the bottom of this page.  Miss Clarke and myself always detail what we have been covering during the week and we give useful links to enable further practice at home.  


In addition, on every Friday, there will be a spelling and times table test.  




Each child was assessed at the start of this academic year and grouped accordingly.  Group 1 learn their high frequency words.  Group 2 learn the year 3 spellings. Your child has been advised which group they are in.  Please do learn these spellings on a regular basis so that they are embedded. Your child will then be able to draw from these spellings accurately in their writing.


I have attached below lists of the first 200 high frequency frequency words your child should know as well as the year 2 common exception words.   


Times Tables

Your child needs to be secure on their 2,5, 10 times tables (by the end of year 2) and their 3,4 and 8 times tables by the end of year 3.  They need to be able to speedily recall them in random order.  There is a national test at the end of year 4 where you child will be required to accurately recall random times tables to 12 at speed.  Therefore, it is imperative that your child learns them.  We do assist with this at school but the main learning needs to be at home.


Every child was given a password to log into Times Table Rock Stars. It is an excellent website that the school has subscribed to for your child to use at home.


Below are some other links that your child may also find useful.


and finally some fun songs to help your child learn their tables


With thanks and best wishes

Mrs Smith








Religious Education



The Way, the Truth and the Life

RE Topics


Autumn 1 - The Christian Family

Autumn 2 -  Mary, Mother of God

Spring 1 - Celebrating the Mass

Spring 2 - Called to Change

Summer 1 - Celebrating Easter & Pentecost

Summer 2 - Being a Christian

(First Forgiveness and First Holy Communion)

Topic Work

This half term:

Geography: Weather and Climate.

Science: Amazing Plants! We will be learning about what plants need to survive; the life cycle of a plant including parts of a flower and seed dispersal.



This half term: Netball Skills

Your child will have PE every Friday morning.  Please ensure your child comes to school in their kit as our PE lesson is first thing at 9.00 am. Their kit will go home on the same day for washing so I would be grateful if you would ensure this is returned for the following week.  

Weekly Homework

Homework is sent home via ParentMail every Friday.  It will containt the weekly spellings and will inform you all about the topics we are covering each week in Maths and English with further links to websites to help explain and reinforce your child's learning.  If you have a problem accessing ParentMail please let the office know and we can arrange for your child's homework sheet to be sent home with them.

Please ensure your child knows how to read and spell the following words.  They are essential to aid fluent reading and writing.  