Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

9th January 2025 Snow Day!


We are starting a new story in our English lessons. Today we are going to make some predictions, using the clues, to guess what the story is about!

Read through the Power-point and then complete the worksheet with your prediction sentences.

Art and English

Read through the Power-point below, there are some more clues about the story.

Complete the task of drawing and describing the creature from the text extract.

Be creative... you could use paint, crayons, chalks, pastels or even go 3D with dough/clay if available (salt dough recipe below).


Today we will be using what we have learned about length to solve word problems. It is important to read the questions carefully, so ask an adult if you need help with this. 

Tip: Use the column method or draw tens and ones to find the answers.


Our new topic this term is 'Colour Magic'. We will be exploring colour and today we are recapping 'Primary' and 'Secondary' colours. Read the Power-point and then complete the colour mixing sheet. I would really like you to use RED, YELLOW and BLUE paint so you can mix the other colours. If not available, try using RED, YELLOW and BLUE pencil crayons or crayons to colour mix.
