Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !

Sacramental Programme

Welcome to our Sacramental Programme. 


As we are working together in preparing your child for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion, there are many ways in which you can support your child as we progress through the programme.


Come along to our Parents' meetings.  They are really informative and provide lots of useful information to help you work with your child during this important time.


Check on each week’s homework in the “I Belong” book. Make this a special time to spend with your child.  There are help sheets to accompany each chapter, please see below.


Always feel free to approach either Mrs Cooke, Mrs Summers or Mrs Smith with any enquiries.  I know Father Peter and Father Paschal are also very willing to help or discuss any questions you may have.

Celebrating the children's FHC day at St Alban's Church
