Beginning and End of School Day
This is a polite reminder that children should be in school and ready to learn by 8:55am.
Doors are open from 8:50, and are locked again at 9:00am. If you arrive after this time, please sign your child in at the main office.
Doors are opened at the end of the school day at 3:20pm.
'Thumbs up Thursday' is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share their learning with you. Doors are open from 8:40am and will be locked again, as usual, at 9:00am.
Our class assembly will be taking place on Friday 11th November at 9:10 am. Doors will be open from 8:40 am on this day, to ensure that we have plenty of time to prepare ourselves.This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to share what they have been learning about, and parents and carers are more than welcome to come and watch.