We feel passionately that parents and school should work in partnership together to ensure the best for the children at St. Alban’s Catholic Primary School. We are keen to use and develop this involvement to seek and respond to your views and requirements as a family. We, in turn, wish to offer help and support in any way we can, as your children develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.
Our aim is to develop relationships in which we can share all of the wonderful things that happen in our school, to keep parents well informed and to take on board and respond to any feedback you provide us with.
Ways in which we involve parents:
School Development Meetings
We invite all of our parents’ to attend School Development Meetings each term. These usually consist of a presentation led by Mrs Cooke, the Head Teacher.
The Senior Leadership Team and Governors are always present to lead discussions around the table after the main body of the meeting and are very happy to listen and respond to any feedback, queries or concerns.
The meetings also provide us with a valuable opportunity to create an open and honest dialogue in which we can share progress of our plans and priorities.
Parent View
We encourage parents to complete the online questionnaire regularly which is linked to Ofsted’s website. You will find a link to this on the Home page of the website. This gives us the chance to measure the impact of what is working well and what we can do to further improve.
Reading Coaches
As an Every Child a Reader school, we are happy to provide expert training to anyone who can offer their time on a voluntary basis. The trained Reading Coaches then volunteer for at least one hour a week with children on a one-to-one basis to help develop their reading skills.
This provides us with quality, structured support which we offer to individual children in school.
Thumbs Up Thursdays!
We are proud to invite parents and children into class, before school, every Thursday from 8:40am. We are keen for the children to share their inspirational work, show feedback and marking from their teachers as well as their progress and achievements from the week.
Parents as Partners
Our response to you:
For longer appointments to enable a more We extended Parents' Evening slots.
in-depth discussion of your child's
progress during Parents' Evening
For better home/school communication We introduced half termly School Development meetings.
We introduced ‘Thumbs up Thursday’
A chance for you to look at your
child’s learning and find out what they
have been doing throughout the week.
We have an ‘Open Door Policy and welcome
comments on how you feel we can improve.
More details about how your child’s We produced a Parental Guide to the
progress is measured. National Curriculum levels. See below.
More information about Reading Recovery We uploaded videos to the website
and other reading interventions we use in and gave a power point presentation
school. during a Parent School Development
Meeting. (See link to slides below)
More information about Numicon Talk and demonstration at Parent School
Development Meetings. (see below).
A website which is easy to use We provided you with a new vibrant
and relevant website which is personal to our school and updated
regularly. It is full of news, celebrations
and up to date information as well as statutory
Termly update of your child’s progress We now send home a letter at the end
of each term providing the National
Curriculum levels for each child.
To gain a deeper understanding of We are all so proud of our children's books!
our Tickled Pink / Green for Growth The children love to share them during 'Thumbs Up
marking system Thursday' time. We shared a Power Point
presentation during a Parent School
Development meeting.
For class assemblies to be moved to the We moved the Friday class assembly so you
morning so that more of you could attend. have more chance of being able to help us
celebrate our class assemblies.
Please note that some of the above activities may have not yet resumed post-Covid.