Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Hello everyone! We hope you are all well and are working hard at home. We have seen some great submissions of work and are all very proud of you, keep it up! If you haven’t been able to submit any work yet, don’t worry, but please try and submit something from this week – we would love to see it!


Here’s this week’s learning, we hope you enjoy it!


English – Oak Academy Week 10

This week we will be looking at the features of a Newspaper Report and how to write one.

(please submit the writing at the end of the week)


Science - Changes in Old Age

Our final lesson on 'Growing up and Growing Old' looks at changes in old age. Your child will get the most out of this lesson if they are able to discuss some of material with an adult, especially thinking about changes that might happen and the true or false cards. They may also benefit from carrying out some additional research if they are particularly interested in or have specific questions about a certain area. At the end of the lesson they can choose to do a comprehension exercise or create a poster.


In RE this week we continue to look at other Faiths. After discovering interesting similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity we move on to the Muslim Faith. 

This week the Power Point looks at an overview of the Muslim Faith and the activity to do is looking at the Five Pillars of Islam. These are the foundations of what the Muslim faith is based upon. 

There is also some nice Islamic art you may want to have a go at. 
