Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


Welcome to what we hope is our last lockdown day. 

We have included a mix of normal lessons and some World Book Day lessons as we would have normally spent the whole of World Book Day in school doing reading based activities. We hope you enjoy what we have planned. 

Take our quiz first. 


9.30 - 10.30 MATHS

English 10.30 - 11.00 

This is our Live World Book Day lesson specifically aimed at Upper Key stage Two. Please click the link below to join in. We will be doing the same thing in school. 


11.00 - 11.30 Break time

11.30 - 12.00 English Reading

Use the sheets provided to design a new cover for your favourite book and then write  your own book blurb for it. Remember a blurb gives clues to the story and recommends it but doesn't give the whole story away. Or if you want a challenge check out the worksheet and try to create an acrostic book blurb. 


How to Write a Book Blurb

Keep it short. Book blurbs are generally not more than 6 or 7 sentences long.

2 Use extreme action verbs. Use adjectives like "sizzling", "crackling" or "shattering." Then there's the ever popular "spine-tingling" used for thrillers and supernatural fiction.

3 Make author comparisons. New authors are generally compared to well known ones. These comparisons can be made in a second or third sentence that compliments the original style assessment.

4 Describe the journey. Formulas like "The author takes us through..." or "(Author) introduces the reader to..." are often used to set the stage, giving the reader a preview of the setting or plot.

5 End with a bang. Those who are enthusiastic about a book will often include a recommendation at the end such as "A must-read."


12.00 - 12.30 SPELLINGS

Match up prefixes with root words. How many can you make? Write them down in a list.

12.30 - 1.30 LUNCH TIME

1.30 - 2.45 ART



Your Task: Try making a Harry Potter scene or your favourite story in a box or in a jam jar. How many items can you gather and make that reflect what happens in the book. Be imaginative and bring in your book creations on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing them!

As an alternative, you could dress up wooden spoons as characters from the book. 

Take a look at the link to give you some ideas. There are some amazing examples on the site. 

Good luck!


Don't forget to finish your Eco House and bring it in to school on Monday. 


We all hope you enjoy a lovely weekend and that you are all looking forward to returning to school on Monday. 

We are REALLY looking forward to having you back! Our bubble hasn't been the same without you!

(Don't forget the wellies for the top field!) 

See you then. 

Miss Rhodes, Mr Fitzgerald and Miss Agar 

Mrs Cooke's favourite book - Hairy Mclary by Lynley Dodd
