Welcome to St Alban's Catholic Primary School !


To our lovely year one children - we can't believe it's the last week of the academic year!


Thank-you for being wonderful additions to our classes.

It has been a strange year for everybody, but you have all adapted so well and have worked so hard. We have loved seeing all of the home learning that you have been doing, and having the chance to talk to some of you over the phone over these last few months. Unfortunately, due to circumstance, we haven't got to spend as much time together as we would have liked, however we have loved seeing most of you over the previous few weeks (even if only for a day or so)! You are all more than ready for the next school year as big year twos. 


Have a fantastic summer, keep safe and well, and we look forward to seeing you in September (and talking to you at at break times)!


Lots of love, Miss Bailey, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Eddowes xxx

Here’s this week’s learning, we hope you enjoy it!


English – Oak Academy Week 11

This weeks English tasks will be all about poems.

(please submit the writing at the end of the week)


This year is the 50th anniversary of our school being on the site it is on now. Things were quite different 50 years ago. 

Activity 1

Use the first powerpoint to learn about some of the similarities and differences between life now and in the 1970s. What are the main differences between life in the 1970’s and life in 2020?

  • Think about how your life is different to a child that grew up in the seventies. Can you write a few sentences in the style of a diary entry pretending to be a child in the seventies? You might write things like: Today I played with… Today I listened to… I wore….
  • Challenge: Imagine someone got stuck in the 1970’s, they have now arrived in 2020. What would you tell them about life in 2020?


Activity 2

Use the second powerpoint to find out about what has happened over the years since our school opened. Can you put the timeline events in order from what you have learned?

  • Have a go at answering the questions on the attached document, about what you have discovered happened in the 1970s.
  • Challenge: Do you know anybody who was alive in the 1970s? Perhaps there is someone in your family, who is older than 50 years old, who can tell you about what they can remember from that time?