The Wednesday Word
Each week, every family receives a copy of the Wednesday Word, a lovely leaflet sharing Sunday’s Gospel, connecting home, school and parish. The Wednesday Word is designed to be informative and enjoyable for all ages! Reading the Wednesday Word together presents an opportunity for even the busiest of families to spend a very special 5 minutes together each week.
Travelling Crib Bags
Our crib, candle and prayer book that went home with every child at St Alban's School.
The prayer bag gives each family an opportunity to reflect and pray together at home during Advent.
Lent Prayer Bags
Lent is a time to prepare for Easter, a time to reflect and a time to build our relationship with God.
Each child will have the opportunity to take home the Lenten Prayer bag each night. The bag will be brought back into school the following day.
Each bag contains an altar cloth, the Year of the Word Lenten Prayer, 2 Gospel Readings from Sundays in Lent, a cross and a tea light.
The prayer bag gives each family an opportunity to reflect and pray together at home during this Lenten season.