Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Year 3 Elm

Year 3 Elm - Mrs Smith


Dear Parents,


Week beginning Monday 10th June


A big congratulations to all the children who did their First Holy Communion on Saturday at St Alban's Church.  They were incredible!  It was a very special event indeed.


The week ahead:



We will be looking at how to use exclamation marks for effect in our writing.  We will continue with looking at reading texts as a class and then the key skills  for completing comprehension exercises on the text.


Spellings: Please see homework sheet below



We will now be looking at angles and lines.  We will investigate what an angle is and how we can recognize right angles.



We will start our topic on Magnets and the importance of magnetism in our every day lives.



Our next topic is 'Being a Christian' and we will be looking at the story of the Good Samaritan and its relevance to us  as Christians in our society today.


Guided Reading

Thank you for your support with the guided reading.  Please ensure your child's guided reading (yellow) book is handed in the day before your child reads.  On the front cover of their yellow books you will see a sticker and that tells you the day your child's homework should be in:


Dr Suess:   Reading group Monday, homework due in on Monday

Lear:        Reading group Tuesday, homework due in on Monday

Stevenson:  Reading group Wednesday, homework due in on Tuesday

Elliot:       Reading group Thursday, homework due in on Wednesday

Wordsworth: Reading group Friday, homework due in on Thursday.



Times tables Tests

Every Thursday or Friday your child will  have a times table test.  The children get 40 questions in 3 minutes!  Therefore they need to be able to mentally recall them at speed. Children who score 35 or more out of 40 are moved on to the next times table. When they have attained their 3, 4, and 8 times tables your child will move on to all the times tables to 12 and then the inverse (division).   


Well done to Charlie Auty and Ben Pugh who have learnt all their times tables to 12 and iare now doing tests with the inverse of multiplication - division.


I would be very grateful for parent's support in helping your child learn their times tables. Please practice these at home as some of the children are still on their x2.  Please see the websites below to help your child.  Learn a few each day and test your child (going to school by car, bus, walking!). e.g. 1 x2, 2x 2, 3 x2.   Rehearse these for a couple of days and then add a couple more e.g. 4x 2, 5 x2, and then get your child to rapidly recall the ones you have learnt.  Keep building upon this.


Lots of games are available to help your child, some of the them listed at the bottom of this page.



We have have started our report on the country of Greece and will be looking at the culture, its imports and exports that contribute to its economy.    In addition we will be exploring the  mountains and volcanoes in Greece and how they are formed.



Please ensure your child has their PE Kit at all times in school.  Outdoor PE is currently on a Tuesday and indoor on a Friday.


With thanks and best wishes.


Mrs Smith




Year 3 Elm Class Timetable
