Welcome to the St Alban's Catholic Primary School website!

Governors at St Alban's Catholic Primary School

David Caldwell - Foundation

I joined the Governing Body in September 2020 and was elected as Chair of Governors in November 2020.  I am very pleased to have been re-elected as chair of Governors for this current academic year.  I live in the area and I am a parishioner St Alban's Church. I have had 37 year's experience of working in Catholic Primary Schools. I was Headteacher of 3 very different schools in the Greater Manchester area for a total of 26 years.  I am now retired, although my wife and I are kept rather busy helping to look after our 9 grandchildren. I am looking forward to working with everyone connected with St. Alban's Primary School so that, together, we can provide the very best education for our children.

I can be contacted either through the school or on the email address listed on the website.


Teresa Cooke - Head Teacher Governor

I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of St Alban’s Catholic Primary School.  It is a joy and a privilege to be part of such a wonderful school community.  I am now in my 8th year of headship and my 30th year of teaching.


Roisin Moores – Foundation Governor

It is a privilege to serve as a Foundation Governor in my own Parish School – a school that my own three children previously attended. I have many years of experience working in Catholic Education, including 17 years of headship in a Diocesan Primary School. I currently work part time for the Diocese supporting a range of schools and also serve as a Denominational Inspector for our Diocese. I have wide experience of governance and currently am on the Governing Boards of two other schools.


Colette Robinson – Foundation Governor

I have been a foundation governor at St Alban’s school since 2012, where both my grandchildren have attended. I’m a parishioner at the church where I help with the Baptism and First Sacraments teams. After almost 40 years as a dental practitioner I am now retired and so have the time and commitment to give to the role of governor and its responsibilities. I was fortunate to receive a good Catholic education and so am more than happy to support and promote St Alban’s as it strives to provide the the same for all our children...a gift for life.


Maureen Mahon - Foundation Governor

Having taught in Catholic schools at secondary level as well as some primary for over twenty seven years I am very much committed to Catholic education. I am now retired and a parishioner at St. Alban’s church. It is a privilege to be able to assist in maintaining the ethos and helping in all the endeavours of St. Alban’s school.

Daniel Mape - Foundation Governor

I have no background in education other than being a pupil at a primary and secondary school within the same trust of schools.

What I do have is abundance of crossover skills which will enable me to add challenge, review and oversight in the role of governor.

I’m a qualified financial accountant with over 15 years of experience primarily in Investment Banking. My day to day involves interaction with regulatory bodies and attendance and preparation of materials for board meetings as part of my professional life.

As a father of two children at the school, I have an interest that the school achieves the best possible outcomes.


Karis Bailey - Parent Governor

I joined St Alban's Catholic Primary School as  Parent Governor in 2023 and I have a strong passion for ensuring all young people are provided with an excellent education. As a Secondary School Teacher I have a focus on safeguarding and child psychology, promoting equality and looking to provide opportunities for all students irrespective of their gender and background. I have one child at the school with my youngest set to join in 2024. I am extremely grateful for the outstanding level of education that they enjoy and embrace.

I have been working in the education sector for over 14 years, having taught in Secondary Schools, Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges both in the North West and London.

I live in Macclesfield where I enjoy being surrounded by nature. I am passionate about education, music, yoga and health and wellbeing. 

I look forward to bringing my skills and experience to the school to support and preserve its Outstanding character.
